//The tracks of 40856km//
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  Fune-shu`s journey round the Earth
      Round the Earth
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  Jorney finally ended. It was long.
The earth was extraordinary large, beautiful, and strong.
All people were warm and gentle.
I want to say thanks
for all persons who encouraged this journey,
for all persons whom I met on this journey,
especially for a lot of people whom I can't meet again, but they waved their hand with smile.

When this journey just still started,
One Japanese tourist said to me.
"At any rate, we should return as alive. It's the most important."
At that time, I didn't consider this word seriously.
But only a few months later,in Guatemala, it stick me clearly and strongly.
Possibility of dying in this journey.
It was realized.
To Iraq. To Israel. To Africa. To Afghanistan.
I was continuing journey not for seeking danger.
However, I didn't want to compromise about journey. Just becoming positive again.
I was often questioned when pedaling along.
"Where do you run ?"
"to Tokyo."
I answered and added.
"I will return with the safe and sound. It is a target of this journey."
Because of this answer, there were a lot of people who laughed.
If you want to laugh, please laugh.
I don't expect at first that everyone can understand my journey.
The breakthrough of the totaling 40000 km was Japan.
Round the earth
Returning alive

Nothing another is needed.